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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Take 'ice challenge' beautician nearly broke his neck (7 photos)

Flashmob Ice Bucket Challenge, which has become the main fun this summer, in recent years have increasingly become a cause of serious injury.Another victim of pouring ice water was a woman from the UK, which allegedly broke her neck.

Douse yourself with ice water, 40-year-old Amanda Davey of Southport asked his mother. After extreme water treatment woman shouting rushed to the kitchen to dry yourself. However, to get to the beautician towels and could not - slipped on the tile floor, she hit her head and lost consciousness. When Amanda came to, her speech was slurred and doctors have suggested that it may have a broken neck. However, later the woman was diagnosed with severe whiplash and multiple bruises. 53-second clip of the fall was a British online hit, gaining more than 1,500 "likes" on Facebook.

"The earth just gone out from under my feet. I spent in the" knock-out "a few seconds. When I opened my eyes, my mom asked, in the order I - Amanda told Mail Online. - When I woke up, the whole body as if pricked thousands of needles, I said vaguely, as if she were drunk. However, before pouring, I drank half a glass of wine and just could not get drunk on such amounts of alcohol. " kick his head, which had to go through the woman was really scary.After him in the head of a woman in a huge bruise.

Remove swelling Amanda tried using frozen vegetables, but when I woke up, found himself unable to turn his neck. Then the woman and decided that it broke. However, after three hours in the hospital the doctors denied her suggestion - Amanda was not broken, and whiplash, however, that is also very serious. Earlier this week, a victim of charity flashmob was another resident of the UK. 20-year-old Isabel Roberts was admitted to hospital with a dislocated jaw, the cause of which was the frantic cry after swimming in the icy water. Promotion Ice Bucket Challenge aims to combat a rare and yet incurable Lou Gehrig's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The campaign is carried out to raise funds for the fight against a terrible disease. Due to the fact that the flash mob was supported by sports stars, movies and music, has already raised more than $ 5 million.

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