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mardi 26 août 2014

Are there any gravity in space

There are attractive in the space, but by a very small and called "Microgravity" 
Some think that there is no gravity in space, in fact, there are attractive in the space, but by a very small and called "Microgravity". International Space Station orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 320 km - 400 km, the gravity of this rise less than 90%, which is still to attract a large proportion of objects, but what makes objects float is the vacuum of space, and that makes all objects fall at the same rate.

Why does astronauts exercise exercise for long hours

The astronauts exercise exercises for long hours until their muscles do not become inactive when they return to Earth 

With the lack of gravity in space, flowing blood and other body fluids in the body of the astronauts to the head, causing a feeling of suffocation, headache, and with the lack of gravity become bones and weak muscles will not be used to pay things, so the astronauts to exercise exercises for long hours so as not to become their muscles inert when they return to Earth.

Use the phone until the end of the battery repeatedly hurt the battery in the long run

To preserve the battery life of a mobile phone, preferably the survival of the battery charged between 40% to 80%, as the battery charging to 100% continuously or use the phone until the end of the battery is frequently detrimental to the battery in the long run.

Why show the veins in the human body is blue

Show the veins in the human body is blue, although the blood is red, as the fat under the skin only allows light blue hacked the skin, so the color blue is reflected, and vary the degree of blue by their different diameter and thickness of the walls of the veins.

Apples harvested exhibition of air turns brown due to the oxidation process

Apples harvested exhibition of air turns brown due to the oxidation process, where the air reacts with the natural substance in apples called (phenolase) to turn to brown. Can use mild acids such as lemon juice to stop this interaction.

How is the number of Facebook users until the end of June 2014

The number of Facebook users until the end of June 2014 more than 1.32 billion monthly active users, of whom 399 million user using Facebook via mobile phones, which represents an increase of 15% compared to the first quarter of the same year.

What is the ratio of fresh water found in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps

What is the ratio of fresh water found in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps 
Fresh water found in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps constitute only 0.3% of the total fresh water on the Earth's surface, while the largest proportion of unexploited rights, including, for example, ice caps and glaciers.

What is the number of satellites orbiting the Earth

What is the number of satellites orbiting the Earth 
There are about 1071 satellite orbiting the earth, half of them launched by the United States, and is the most important of the ISS (International Space Station) and the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble Space Telescope) used in the discovery of the depths of the universe.

The company was able to sell 15 thousand Xiaoma smartphone model Mi3 in India through only two seconds

On August 5, 2014, the company was able Xiaoma (Xiaomi) sale of 15 thousand Chinese smartphone model Mi3 in India during the two seconds and it only via its

Laughter reduces the level of sugar in the blood

In order to study the effect of laughter on the level of sugar in the blood, a study was conducted on 19 people suffering from diabetes, the Group has a meal and then attending a boring lecture, the next day ate the same meal, then saw a comedy film, the researchers found that the sugar level was low after watching the film for what it was after the lecture.

How much light it takes to get out of the nucleus of the sun to the surface

How much light it takes to get out of the nucleus of the sun to the surface 
Light from the sun takes hundreds of thousands of years to come out of the nucleus of the sun to the surface, while it takes about 8 minutes to reach the earth's surface. This is due to the light output from nuclear reactions in the sun is in the soles of the original gamma-ray exposed to millions of collisions, which hindered the movement of the so-called Random Walk Problem.

What is the cause itchy feeling after Hot Tub

Cause itchy feeling after bathing at certain times of drought to excessive cold air or soap or bath with hot water, which makes the skin loses its natural Ziute which is protected, and that makes the nerves more sensitive.

What is the reason behind the closure of the router and restarted

The reason behind the closure of the router and restarted after ten seconds to fix some of the problems, is that enough time for the capacitors (capacitors) in the device in order to unload its cargo and stop working is 10 seconds.

How much are profits through Facebook in 2014

Profits site Facebook during the second quarter of 2014, approximately 2.91 billion dollars, and this means that the profit per day more than 32 million and $ 300 thousand, or 22 thousand and 453 dollars per minute.

Sodium intake per day makes you less prone to heart disease and vascular

The researchers found that men and women, who consume between 3,000 and 6,000 milligrams of sodium per day, less vulnerable to the dangers of heart disease and blood vessels, such as heart attack, stroke or heart failure, they are also less likely to die by about four years compared to persons who consume ratio more or less of sodium.